
Monday, June 9, 2014

Let the Canning Begin

My rhubarb plant is huge, time to use some of it. Made rhubarb strawberry jam and chocolate chip rhubarb cake, delicious!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Let Summer Begin

Back Yard Patio
I love flowers.  Every spring between Mothers Day and Memorial Day, hubby and I make a trip to the local greenhouse to buy flowers.  It's usually to cold at night to plant them as soon as I get home.  When the danger of frost is done, it's planting time. I have a lot of perennials, with some annuals mixed in here and there.  Rarely do the flowers get planted all in one time. I need time to determine the best location for each one. When I am done, I get to marvel at the beauty of what flowers can do! Did I say I love flowers!!!!!
The Pond

Looking Good
The back yard


Butterfly House

GO Tigers!

By the back door
Garden Planted

The Berry's are looking good